Wednesday 13 August 2014

Raised Flooring Solutions for Your Computer Room

One of the most important rooms in your office is your computer room, this is the hub that helps to make everything run smoothly. Which is why you need to protect your computer room with raised access flooring. How can an access floor help in your computer room? Quite simply it will be able to protect all of the cabling you use. These cables are extremely expensive and essential for your computer room to run to the best of its ability. Which is why it is necessary to do everything in your power to protect them. The raised or access floor in your computer room is also responsible for the following:
  • A distribution system for conditioned cold air
  • A copper ground grid for grounding of equipment
  • A location to run chilled water and/or other piping
  • Conduits for power cabling
  • Tracks, conduits, and/or supports for data cabling
These aspects can often be overlooked, if you do not use a raised flooring to your advantage. Ultimately the raised flooring will provide you with the opportunity to make sure that you know that everything in your computer room is safe. Loose cabling can not only be dangerous to the computer itself but also to your employees. Accidents happen when people do not pay attention to detail, having a raised flooring is the type of detail that you cannot afford to overlook.
Once you have installed a raised flooring in your computer room, you will soon be able to see how necessary it is. From there you will want to implement raised flooring in as many areas as possible within your business. It is a safe and proven method to keep all of your cabling and so much more in place.
How else can I use raised flooring in my office?
Have you ever had to sit around a cramped desk and strain your neck to watch the presentations of your employees? Then you know how uncomfortable the experience can be. If you currently use a boardroom to do all of your presentations in, why not consider turning it into a seminar room? You can do this easily by getting raised flooring. Although this type of flooring is normally used on a ground level, it can be used to create different levels of flooring. Subsequently it is the perfect solution to create a more comfortable environment for you to watch a presentation. This type of flooring can create staggered levels, from there you can place seating on the levels and create a fantastic seminar room. There is no reason for you, or your employees to be stuck sitting around a table all straining to see the presentation. With a raised floor seminar room your employees will have the opportunity to give a proper presentation that will capture your attention.
When it comes to the installation of raised flooring at your offices you need to make sure that your trust in the best. Here at Pentafloor we have the expertise you have been looking for. We are so confident with our work, that we categorically state that we can provide you with the best computer room solutions

Monday 11 August 2014

Heartbleed Virus

Since the advent of the internet, there have been issues regarding data security. Even with the advancement of technology, we are still unable to secure our data or claim our sensitive information being safe. Time and again there has been a threat to the online data in the form of bugs and viruses released accidentally or intentionally. One such recent threat was the Heartbleed bug.
Heartbleed is a security threatening massive bug found in the OpenSSL software library. This bug steals the protected information, through SSL/TLS encryption which is used to secure the Internet. To provide privacy and security, SSL/TLS encryption is used on the Internet for applications such as web, email, instant messaging (IM) and virtual private networks (VPNs).
This bug allows anyone on the Internet to read the memory of the systems protected by the vulnerable versions of the OpenSSL software. This results in secret keys being compromised. These secret keys are used by the service providers to identify the traffic and encrypt the name and password of the users, and the actual information.
The Heartbleed bug was termed catastrophic, as it tries to read more information or data than allowed. This resulted in data breach, affecting almost two thirds of the Web. As a precautionary measure users' accessing sensitive information or confidential information was advised to change passwords to avoid their accounts being hacked.
So what is the impact of Heartbleed bug?
- The data gained by a Heartbleed can include confidential information such as username, password, which will allow the hacker to impersonate as a user himself.
- The hacker after gaining the authentication information of the user can impersonate as a user and alter the victim's data, which results in a confidentiality breach provided by the service provider. (The Heartbleed can access the information until the old authentication details are maintained, that is until the password is changed or the private key is invalidated.)
- The data that is hacked can contain usernames and passwords, social security number, or credit card information, bank details, and many more.
The effect of Heartbleed was such that the Canada Revenue Agency shut down its electronic tax filing services as a preventive measure, considering the sensitive information that would come in online.
It looks like for now, the problem might have been resolved, but there is so much public data exposed on the Web, which can be potentially dangerous and a cause for concern in the future. In addition, the impact that Heartbleed bug has created, raises concerns about whether if we can hope to keep our data safe online.

How Cloud Computing Can Make Your Team More Productive

It's important that you are as productive as possible. Without being productive, you end up spending more in labor costs and potentially miss deadlines at the same time. These are issues that you don't want to have. Cloud computing can be used to enhance productivity by providing more access to data at every level.
One of the first ways that you can enhance productivity with the cloud is by adding all of the data that your employees use on the field into it. This allows them to access such things as:
  • Field reports
  • Forms
  • Databases
With access to all of this information, they are able to do their job more efficiently - and thus productivity is increased. They won't have to return to the office to get anything and they can pull up the information on their own using a mobile device.
Various devices such as fax machines can be eliminated because the people in the field will be able to get everything they need electronically
Another way to enhance productivity is through organization. You may find that it's impossible to stay organized when you have paper all over your desk, in your briefcase, and even in your car. When you use cloud computing, there is no need to have everything in print. Documents can be created electronically so that you can simply view them on the screen.
As an example, a field agent can create a report electronically. They can pull up the report on a smartphone, complete it, and then submit it back into the cloud. You can then access that same report, completed, to have information at your fingertips.
Since the report is being filled out by the field agent in the field, you get the report faster. It also eliminates the need to scan it or use any kind of data entry method to get it into an electronic format because cloud computing was in place from the very beginning.
It's important that you understand how the cloud works. You have access to data all the time and in all locations. As long as you have an internet connection, you can access the data that you need. Depending upon how you have file sharing set up, you can also minimize the time that it takes to receive reports. When you have more data in front of you, it allows you to make better decisions about your business - and this can help you to make decisions faster.
Whether you have had issues with data entry errors, field agents not having what they need, or even not getting the reports you need in time, the issues can be improved. Cloud computing can change the way that you work because it allows you to access more information, organize it, and access it from anywhere at any time.
All of these features will improve productivity and save you money. This is critical when you are operating a business because you want to maintain a healthy bottom line.
Formed in 1997 and located in Houston, Dallas and Austin Texas and in Dubai, ERGOS is an IT solutions provider that stays ahead of the curve, providing innovative IT services. We provide our clients the kind of service that we would want. ERGOS provides managed IT services, IT infrastructure, Cloud IT and business solutions that Power Your Business and empower your work force. Our three technology divisions, Managed IT Services, Cloud IT Solutions and Business Solutions (Web Hosting and Development, Search Engine Optimization, Business Process Analysis) will address all your IT needs.

Thursday 7 August 2014

The Importance of Computer Repair Services

Computers need to be serviced on a regular basis to maintain them in positive condition. There are advantages of doing maintenance and this one of the reasons why people really should take this idea seriously. There are different experts offering computer repair services all over the internet but it's not always a simple task to get the best provider. Therefore, you should search for the best experienced services providers.
Nowadays, a number of people use computers to do different tasks every single day. In case of the system malfunction, it can lead to intrusion of all your programs. Therefore, in order to prevent incidences like this, there is a benefit to schedule regular maintenance practices. Consequently, large companies and institutions should look for well experienced technicians to repair computers frequently.
The charge that can be incurred to buy a new computer as a result of lack of good repair services is easily eliminated. In fact, some computers fail because of to lack of a timely servicing schedule. Thus, the price that may be incurred to sustain the machine is a smaller amount than that of going to buy a new one. In addition, throughout regular servicing services, the damaged and old accessories are repaired or replaced
It is suitable to work on a maintained machine. A well serviced machine is efficient and provides unswerving services. The problems that people have are either software or hardware related. These sorts of problems make it more difficult to operate the machine, and may as well lead to work that is full of errors.
If you get a system failure, you should go for the most professionally trained and experienced experts. Hiring experienced experts ensures high quality and dependable services. There are diverse companies that have competently trained experts who can offer services in different institutions as well as organizations. Clients must make sure that they hire the most inexpensive company that also has expert trained technicians.
Indeed, there are a good number of benefits of ensuring your computers are at all times functioning in good manner. Inconveniences as well as other many problems that are associated to system failure can be avoided if maintenance strategies are applied. As an effect of different experts who are offering services of computer repair, experienced organizations, companies and individuals have significantly benefited.
In working with the best professional, you will save a lot of money. This will be only being evident when the technician will offer the service and then charge fairly, unlike other cases where you will get some exploitation. The services experts offer you will also be of great quality and this is what will help you to make use of your computer in a long period.